1. Airplane Propellers, Aerodynamic Theory;Glauert,1963
2. R.J. Templin, Aerodynamic theory for the nrc vertical-axix wind turbine, NRC of Canada TRLTR_LA_160, 1974.
3. J.H. Strickland, The Darrieus Turbine: A Performance Prediction Model Using Multiple Streamtube, Sandia Report, SAND75-0431, 1975.
4. S. Read, D.J. Sharpe, An extended multiple streamtube theory for vertical axis wind turbines, Department of M.A.P. Engineering Report, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston upon Times, United Kingdom, 1980.
5. I. Paraschivoiu, Double-multiple streamtube model for darrieus wind turbines, NASA Conference Publication 2185, May 1981.