1. Blackburn, M. J., Ruckle, D. L. and Bevan, C. E., Technical Report AFML-TR-78-18, Air Force Materials Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Dayton, OH, 1978
2. Blackburn, M. J. and Smith, M. P., Technical Report AFWAL-TR-81-4046, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Dayton, OH, 1981
3. Blackburn, M. J. and Smith, M. P., Technical Report AFWAL-TR-82-4086, Dayton, OH, 1982
4. Phase transformations and modulated microstructures in Ti-Al-Nb alloys
5. Site occupation in the ordered beta phase of ternary TiAlz.sbnd;Nb alloys