1. From the Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, West Virginia University (Drs Fancy and Ramadan) and the West Virginia University School of Medicine (Dr Mathers).
Objectives: To compare Helicobacter pylori prevalence rates in the nasopharynx of pediatric patients with and without otitis media with effusion (OME). Study Design: Prospective, controlled. Methods: The study group consisted of patients undergoing adenoidectomy for persistent OME. A control group of patients with no history of OME undergoing adenoidectomy was simultaneously enrolled. As a substudy, middle ear effusion samples were also analyzed for Helicobacter pylori. Polymerase chain reaction assays were run by using primers against the Helicobacter pylori gene. Results: Helicobacter pylori was detected in the adenoids of 10 of 45 study group patients, and 6 of 37 controls ( P = 0.49). Thirty-two percent of middle ear aspirates were positive for Helicobacter pylori. Conclusion: The current study confirms the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the nasopharynx and middle ear space, but our results do not support a role for this bacterium in the pathogenesis of otitis media with effusion.
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17 articles.