1. From the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic (Drs Emir, Kaptan, Samim, and Ceylan) and the Pathology Clinic (Drs Sungu and Ustun), Ministry of Health, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Turkey.
Objective: To determine the preventive effect of Ginkgo biloba extract in the formation of myringosclerosis. Study Design: Prospective, randomized clinical study. Materials and Methods: Posterosuperior quadrant of tympanic membranes of twenty-five Wistar Albino rats were bilaterally myringotomized. They were divided into three groups randomly. Groups 1 and 2 were administered 100 mg/kg/day and 200 mg/kg/day systemic Ginkgo biloba extract. The third group was treated with 1 mL/day saline solution. After 10 days of treatment, myringotomized membranes were examined by otomicroscopy and harvested. They were evaluated histopathologically by light microscopy and compared according to the occurrence of myringosclerotic plaques and the thickness of membranes. Results: Tympanic membranes of groups 1 and 2 nearly had no existence of myringosclerosis (72.2% in group 1 and 83.3% in group 2, P = 0.434). However, in group 3, only 14.3 percent had no myringosclerosis ( P < 0.001). Thickness of membranes in group 1 was 0.13 ± 0.25, group 2 was 0.06 ± 0.02, and group 3 was 0.19 ± 0.35 mm. Group 3 had significantly thicker membranes compared with groups 1 and 2 ( P < 0.001 for group 2 and P = 0.003 for group 1). Conclusion: Formation of experimental myringosclerosis was reduced or inhibited and tympanic membranes were thinner after systemic Ginkgo biloba extract administration.
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23 articles.