1. US Department of Energy. Title 40 CFR Part 191 compliance certification application for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. DOE/CAO-1996-2184, Vols. I–XXI. US Department of Energy, Carlsbad Area Office, Carlsbad, NM, 1996.
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3. US Environmental Protection Agency. 40 CFR Part 191: Environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, final rule, Federal Register 1985;50(182):38 066–89.
4. US Environmental Protection Agency. 40 CFR Part 191: Environmental radiation protection standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, final rule, Federal Register 1993;5(242):66 398–416.
5. US Environmental Protection Agency. 40 CFR Part 194: Criteria for the certification and re-certification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with the 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, final rule. Federal Register 1996;61(28):5224–45.