Staffing needs for unscheduled activity in obstetrics and gynecology


Sentilhes LoïcORCID,Galley-Raulin Fabienne,Boithias Claire,Sfez Michel,Goffinet François,Le Roux Sylvie,Benhamou Dan,Garnier Jean-Michel,Paysant Sabine,Bounan Stéphane,Michel Christine,Coudray Jean,Rozé Jean-Christophe,Elleboode Benoit,Ducloy-Bouthors Anne-Sophie


Elsevier BV


Obstetrics and Gynecology,Reproductive Medicine

Reference33 articles.

1. Code de Santé Publique [Public Health Code]: (Livre Ier, Titre II, Chapitre VII, Section 3, Sous-section 1), chapitre IV Section 1 sous-section 3 Article R4127-318. Art 6124-44. Decree n° 98-900 dated October 9, 1998 about the technical operating conditions that healthcare facilities must meet to be authorized to practice activities obstetrics, neonatology, or neonatal intensive care activities, and modifying the Public Health Code. Circulaire d’Application [Application Circular] dated April 23, 1999. Décret d’application [Decree of application] dated April 25, 2000, about prelabor and labor rooms.

2. Ministère des affaires sociales, de la santé et de la ville – Haut comité a la santé publique [Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, and Urban Affairs – High Committee for Public Health]. La sécurité et la qualité de la naissance. Pour un nouveau plan périnatalité [Safety and Quality of Birth. For a new perinatal health plan]. January 1994. Editions ENSP Rennes France.

3. Circular DHOS/O1 no 2006-273 dated June 21, 2006, on the organization of the perinatal transportation of mothers.

4. Haute Autorité de la Santé (HAS) (French Health Authority). Femmes enceintes ayant une complication au cours de leur grossesse : transferts en urgence entre les établissements de santé. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique [Pregnant women with complications during pregnancy: emergency transfers between healthcare facilities. Clinical Practice Guidelines], November 2012.

5. Instruction DGOS/PF3/R3/DGS/MC1/2015/227 dated July 3, 2015 on the updating and harmonization of the missions of perinatal health networks in a regional framework.







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