1. Position-sensitive detector with microstrip anode for electron multiplication with gases
2. Test-beam study of the performance of the microstrip gas avalanche chamber
3. Simultaneous time resolved SAXS and WAXS experiments using synchrotron radiation
4. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, G.E. Derbyshire, A.S. Marsh, R. Stephenson, R.C. Farrow, W.I. Helsby, B.R. Dobson, R. Mutikainen, I. Suni, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report No. RAL-TR-1998-073 (http://www-dienst.rl.ac.uk/library/1999/tr/raltr-1999073.pdf).
5. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, A.B. Lodge, R. Mutikainen, I. Suni, J. Morse, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report No. RAL-TR-1999-022 (http://www-dienst.rl.ac.uk/library/1999/tr/raltr-1999022.pdf).