Numerical construction of likelihood distributions and the propagation of errors


Swain J.,Taylor L.


Elsevier BV


Instrumentation,Nuclear and High Energy Physics

Reference16 articles.

1. See:

2. See, for example:

3. As B. Spaan has pointed out, it is straightforward to generate a set of random values x→′ according to an arbitrary covariance matrix V. First determine the eigenvalues λi of the covariance matrix and the corresponding eigenvectors x→i. Construct a rotation matrix R from the eigenvectors where each column corresponds to an eigenvector. Then, generate a vector r→ with i uncorrelated elements each chosen randomly from the Gaussian distribution: r→i=exp−x2/2λi/2πλi. Obtain the set of correlated random numbers x→′ by rotation: x→′=R·r→.

4. F. James, Monte Carlo Theory and Practice, in T. Ferbel (Ed.), Experimental Techniques in High-Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991.

5. L. Taylor, Properties of the W Boson, in XVIIth Int. Conf. on Phys. in Collision, Bristol, UK, 25–27 June 1997, to be published.

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2. Recent results from the K2K experiment;Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements;2003-04

3. Indications of Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long-Baseline Experiment;Physical Review Letters;2003-01-30

4. Recent Results from the K2K experiment;Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics Ichep 2002;2003

5. Measurement of the spectroscopy of orbitally excited B mesons at LEP;Physics Letters B;1999-10







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