1. HERA-B Collaboration, An Experiment to Study CP Violation in the B System Using an Internal Target at the HERA Proton Ring, DESY/PRC/94-02, 1994.
2. HERA-B Collaboration, An Experiment to Study CP Violation in the B System Using an Internal Target at the HERA Proton Ring, Design Report, DESY/PRC/95-01, 1995.
3. T. Lohse, HERA-B collaboration, these Proceedings (5th Int. Workshop on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, Los Angeles, USA, 1997) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 408 (1998) 154.
4. Transition radiation detectors
5. V. Saveliev, Proc. of CHEP97, Berlin, 1997.