ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008‡


Dickstein Kenneth1,Cohen-Solal Alain2,Filippatos Gerasimos3,McMurray John J.V.4,Ponikowski Piotr5,Poole-Wilson Philip Alexander4,Strömberg Anna6,van Veldhuisen Dirk J.7,Atar Dan1,Hoes Arno W.7,Keren Andre8,Mebazaa Alexandre2,Nieminen Markku9,Priori Silvia Giuliana10,Swedberg Karl6,Vahanian Alec2,Camm John4,De Caterina Raffaele10,Dean Veronica2,Dickstein Kenneth1,Filippatos Gerasimos3,Funck-Brentano Christian2,Hellemans Irene7,Kristensen Steen Dalby11,McGregor Keith2,Sechtem Udo12,Silber Sigmund12,Tendera Michal5,Widimsky Petr13,Zamorano Jose Luis14,Tendera Michal5,Auricchio Angelo15,Bax Jeroen7,Böhm Michael12,Corrà Ugo10,della Bella Paolo10,Elliott Perry M.4,Follath Ferenc15,Gheorghiade Mihai16,Hasin Yonathan8,Hernborg Anders6,Jaarsma Tiny7,Komajda Michel2,Kornowski Ran8,Piepoli Massimo10,Prendergast Bernard4,Tavazzi Luigi10,Vachiery Jean-Luc17,Verheugt Freek W. A.7,Zamorano Jose Luis14,Zannad Faiez2, , ,


1. Norway

2. France

3. Greece

4. UK

5. Poland

6. Sweden

7. The Netherlands

8. Israel

9. Finland

10. Italy

11. Denmark

12. Germany

13. Czech Republic

14. Spain

15. Switzerland

16. USA

17. Belgium




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Reference252 articles.

1. Guidelines for the diagnosis of heart failure;The Task Force on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology;Eur Heart J,1995

2. The treatment of heart failure;Task Force of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology;Eur Heart J,1997

3. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure;Remme;Eur Heart J,2001

4. Executive summary of the guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of acute heart failure: the Task Force on Acute Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology;Nieminen;Eur Heart J,2005

5. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure: executive summary (update 2005): The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology;Swedberg;Eur Heart J,2005

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