1. Z. Marczenko, Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements, Wiley, New York, 1973.
2. J. Pan, Y. Chen, H. Yan, Chromagenic Reagents and their Applications in Spectrophotometric Analysis, Shanghai Science and Technology Press, Shanghai, 1981, p. 283
3. Die spektrophotometrische Bestimmung von kleinen Mengen Blei in Aluminium- und Kupferlegierungen, Eisen und Stahl und anderen Materialien
4. L.C. Willemsons, Handbook of Lead Chemicals, Project LC-116, 1nternational Lead Zinc Research Organisation, New York, 1986
5. Determination of lead with 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol—I Spectrophotometry and solvent extraction