1. American Gas Association, “Gas Data Book,” p. 9.
2. Natural gas accounted for roughly 30% of the energy consumed in the United States in 1974, according to the U.S. Federal Energy Administration, “1976 Executive Summary National Energy Outlook,” p. 2. The U.S. Federal Energy Administration's “Natural Gas Facts and Figures for 1974,” p. 6 lists the distribution of the 19.08 trillion cubic feet of natural gas to end users as follows: residential 4.79, commercial 2.26, industrial 8.31, electric utilities 3.43, and other (deliveries to municipalities, public authorities, street lighting, etc.) 0.29.
3. U.S. Federal Energy Administration, “1976 Executive Summary National Energy Outlook,” p. 5.
4. U.S. Federal Energy Administration, “Natural Gas Deregulation Analysis Technical Report FEA 76-3,” p. 2.
5. U.S. Federal Energy Administration, “National Energy Outlook,” p. 3 (see footnote 3).