1. Recent work on adult stem cells suggests that these may also prove to be useful sources of stem cells. See Vogel G. Capturing the promise of youth. Science 1999;286:2238–9.
2. PL 105-277, section 511, 112 Stat 2681-386.
3. National Institutes of Health. Draft National Institutes of Health guidelines for research involving human pluripotent stem cells. 64 Fed Reg 67576 (December 2, 1999).
4. Report and recommendations on oocyte donation by the National Advisory Board on Ethics in Reproduction (NABER), Section III. Ethical and policy issues related to oocyte donors in the clinical setting. In: Cohen CB, ed. New ways of making babies. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1996;270–92.
5. Science 1999;284:1932 (an example).