1. Baumann H. Decision making and Life Cycle Assessment. Licentiate thesis. Chalmers University of Technology, Technical Environmental Planning, Report 1995:4. Also Swedish Waste Research Council AFR report 77, 1995.
2. Bro-Rasmussen F. Presentation at the VKI/Rendan conference in Odense. October 1998.
3. Bro-Rasmussen F, Buchard Boyd H, Jørgensen CE, Kristensen P, Laursen E, Løkke H, Nielsen KM, Grundahl J. The non-assessed chemicals in EU. Report and recommendations from an interdiciplinary group of Danish experts. Report from the Danish Board of Technology 1996/5, 1996.
4. Christiansen K, Heijungs R, Rydberg T, Ryding S-O, Sund L, Wijnen H, Vold M, Hansen O-J. Applications of Life Cycle Assessments. Summary of report from Expert workshop at Hankø, Norway on LCA in: Strategic management, product development and improvement, marketing, and ecolabelling governmental policies, 1995.
5. Guidelines for life-cycle assessment: a “Code of Practice”;Consoli,1993