1. Baumann H. Decision Making and Life Cycle Assessment. Licentiate thesis. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Technical Environmental Planning Report 1995:4. (Also available as AFR Report 77. Stockholm: Swedish Waste Research Council.)
2. Environmental Management—Life Cycle Assessment—Principles and Framework. International standard ISO 14040, 1st,1997
3. Baumann H. Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making: Theories and Practices. Ph.D. thesis. Göteborg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology, 1998. (Also available as AFR Report 183. Stockholm: Swedish Waste Research Council.)
4. Frischknecht, R. Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis in LCANET, European network for strategic life cycle assessment research and development. In: Udo de Haes H, Wrisberg H, editors. LCA documents (Vol. 1). Bayreuth, Germany: Eco-Informa Press, 1997.
5. International Standardization Organization. Environmental Management—Life Cycle Assessment—Goal and Scope Definition and Inventory Analysis. International standard ISO 14041, 1st ed. 1998-10-01. Geneva: ISO, 1998.