1. Daniel D. McCracken, Digital Computer Programming, Wiley, New York, 1957.
2. Karl E. Gustafson, The Case Sheet, Memorandum Rpt. 1189 (Naval Research laboratory Report), 1961.
3. Karl E. Gustafson, Project Bullseye Rpt No. 3, Memorandum Rpt. 1329 (Naval Research laboratory Report), 1962.
4. Karl E. Gustafson, Mathematical Analysis of Direction Finding, Formal Rpt. 5742 (Naval Research laboratory Report), 1962.
5. Karl E. Gustafson, Nonlinear, Nongaussian, and Nonindependent Estimation and Conditional Confidence Regions, Formal Rpt. 5994 (Naval Research laboratory Report), 1963.