1. Speed-Power Efficient Novel CMOS Unary-to-Ternary Encoder;IETE Journal of Research;2023-10-16
2. Performance Evaluation of Novel Ternary Subtractor Circuits using Double Pass Transistor Logic;2023 4th IEEE Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT);2023-10-06
3. Performance Analysis of Ternary Full Adder designs using proposed Ternary 3:1 MUX;2023 Second International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (TEECCON);2023-08-23
4. Design and Analysis of CNTFET based Dynamic Comparator;2023 4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC);2023-07-06
5. Novel Single-Step 32nm-CMOS Hardware T-Encryptor/Decryptor;IETE Journal of Research;2023-04-25