1. Open Knowledge International [consultado 11 Feb 2019]. Disponible en: https://okfn.org
2. National Institutes of Health. Final NIH statement on sharing research data [consultado 8 Feb 2019]. Disponible en: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03-032.html
3. OECD. Recommendation of the Council concerning Access to research data from public funding [consultado 11 Feb 2019]. Disponible en: http://acts.oecd.org/Instruments/ShowInstrumentView.aspx?InstrumentID=159
4. Ciencia abierta y gestión de datos de investigación (RDM);Peset,2017
5. The Royal Society. Science as an open enterprise [consultado 5 Feb 2019]. Disponible en: https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/science-public-enterprise/report/