1. Measurement of isotopic cross sections of spallation residues in 800 A MeV 197Au+p collisions
2. E.A. Henry, K.J. Moody, unpublished report
3. D.L. Quintana, R.L. Barber, M.J. Baumgartner, R.D. Brown, J.N. Edwards, B.A. Faulkner, T.L. Figueroa, J.J. Jarmer, R. Kidman, P.D. Olivas, M.A. Paciotti, L.S. Waters, R.D. Werbeck, G.J. Wilcutt, K.A. Woloshun, in: Proceedings of 4th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology, Washington, DC, 12–15 November, 2000, p. 405
4. L.S. Waters (Ed.), LA-CP-02-408