1. Cording, E.J., 2010. Impact and Control of Ground Movement in Underground Construction, Kersten Lecture, University of Minnesota, February 29.
2. DiPonio, M., Frank, G., Alavi Gharahbagh, E., Cording, E., 2012. Settlement Risk of Extended Overcut in Dense Soils, North American Tunneling Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
3. Geotechnical Baseline Report, 2009. University Link Light Rail TBM Tunnels (CHS to PSST) Link Contract U230. IFB No. RTA/LR 60-09. Vol. 6 of 7.
4. Geotechnical Data Report, 2009. University Link Light Rail TBM Tunnels (CHS to PSST) Link Contract U230. IFB No. RTA/LR 60-09. Vol. 7 of 7.
5. Irish, R.J., 2009. Pre-bid Engineering Geologic Evaluation of Subsurface Condition for the University Link Light Rail Tunnels, Capitol Hill Station to Pine Street Stub Tunnels, and Capitol Hill Station Excavation and Support, Contract U230 Seattle, WA.