On the Laplacian spectral radius of a tree


Guo Ji-Ming


Elsevier BV


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics,Geometry and Topology,Numerical Analysis,Algebra and Number Theory

Reference9 articles.

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1. Ordering trees by $$\alpha $$-index;Computational and Applied Mathematics;2023-12-13

2. On the ordering of the Kirchhoff indices of the complements of trees and unicyclic graphs;Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities;2020-09

3. The sum of the first two largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of trees and unicyclic graphs;The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra;2019-02-01

4. A note on the A-spectral radius of graphs;Linear Algebra and its Applications;2018-11

5. Q-spectral and L-spectral radius of subgroup graphs of dihedral group;Journal of Physics: Conference Series;2018-11








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