1. High Temperature Test Laboratory. Available from: , Last visited January 15, 2010.
2. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, SCDAP/RELAP5-3D© Code Manuals, vol. 4, MATPRO-A Library of Materials Properties for Light-Water-Reactor Accident Analysis, INEEL/EXT-02-00589, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, May 2002.
3. Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, SCDAP/RELAP5-3D© Code Manuals, vols. 1–4, INEEL/EXT-02-00589, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, May 2002.
4. Sandia National Laboratories, MELCOR Computer Code Manuals, NUREG/CR-6119, vols. 1–3, SAND2001-0929P, May 2001.
5. J.C. Spanner et al., Nuclear Systems Material Handbook, TID-26666, April 1976.