1. Plasma–wall interaction issues in ITER
2. D. Meade, S.C. Jardin, J.A. Schmidt, et al., Mission and design of the fusion ignition research experiment, in: Proceedings of the 18th IAEA Conference on Fusion Energy, Sorrento, Italy, October, 2000, (CD-ROM), pp. IAEA-CN-77/FTP2/16, IAEA, Vienna, 2001.
3. S. Nishio, K. Ushigusa, S. Ueada, et al., Conceptional design of advanced steady-state tokamak reactor, in: Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Fusion Energy, Sorrento, Italy, October, 2000, (CDROM), pp. IAEA-CN-77/FTP2/14, IAEA, Vienna, 2001.
4. ITER divertor performance in conditions of carbon re-erosion
5. DIVIMP modeling of tungsten impurity transport in ITER