1. “Mechanistic Source Terms White Paper”. INL/EXT-10-17997. Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, US, 2010.
2. IAEA Tech Doc 978. Fuel performance and fission product behavior in gas cooled reactors. IAEA, 1997, p. 461.
3. Becker Technologies GmbH. Fission Product Retention in HTGR Confinement Buildings. Summary of Final Report BF-R-40.039-1.0 (2010. Original in German, 1988).
4. E. Hoinkis (Ed.), Transport of Fission Products in Matrix and Graphite. HMI-B372. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin, 1981 (published, June 1983). These Proceedings Contain Many Papers of Interest, We Cite Relating to the Release Method Below.
5. B.F. Meyers, A Review of the diffusion of selected fission product metals in polycrystalline graphite. E. Hoinkis (Ed.), Transport of Fission Products in Matrix and Graphite. HMI-B372. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin, 1981 (published, June 1983), p. 56.