1. H.W. Buschman, W.H. Penney, M.D. Quilici, W.H. Radke, in: Proceedings of the Joint ASME/IEEE Power Generation Conference, 4–8 October 1981, St. Louis, MO (available from ASME).
2. W.H. Penney, H.W. Buschman, R.A. Washburn, Disassembly and Phase I Examination of EBR-II Superheater SU-712, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-82-16, 1982.
3. K.J. Longua, D.L. Porter, R.G. Pahl, J.A. Buzzel, G.D. Hudman, Materials Examinations of the Components of EBR-II Superheater SU-712, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-83-103, 1984.
4. J.M. Holt, H. Mindlin, C.Y. Ho (Eds.), Structural Alloys Handbook, 1996 Ed., CINDAS/Purdue University, 1997.