1. US Department of Energy, A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, Issued by the Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee and the Generation IV International Forum, 2002.
2. US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, The US Generation IV Implementation Strategy, 2003.
3. US Department of Energy, Report to Congress on the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, 2003.
4. US Department of Energy, Press Release, Department of Energy Announces New Nuclear Initiative, 2006.
5. B.R.T. Frost, P.G. Mardon, L.E. Russell, Research on the fabrication, properties, and irradiation behavior of plutonium fuels for the UK, in: Reactor Programme, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Meeting on Plutonium as a Power Reactor Fuel, Richland, WA, 1962, p. 4.1.