1. Plasma Edge Physics with B2-Eirene
2. C. Konz, D.P. Coster, K. Lackner, G. Pautasso, ASDEX Upgrade Team, in: C. Hidalgo, B.P. van Milligen (Eds.), Europhysics Conference Abstracts (CD-ROM, Proceedings of the 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona, 2005), vol. 29C, EPS, Geneva, 2005, p. O-2.005.
3. G. Pereverzev, P. Yushmanov, IPP-Report IPP 5/98, Max-Planck Institute fur Plasmaphysik, 2002.
4. Characterization of the H-mode edge barrier at ASDEX Upgrade
5. SOLPS modelling of ASDEX upgrade H-mode plasma