1. E.A. Aitken, S.K. Evans, G.F. Melde, B.F. Rubin, in: Proc. Conf on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, Am. Nucl. Soc., 1972, pp. 459.
2. P.E. Blackburn, A.E. Martin, J.E. Battles, P.A.G. O’Hare, W.N. Hubbard, in: R. Farmakes (Ed.), Proc. Conf. On Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, vol. III, American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, Illinois, 1972, pp. 479–489.
3. The reactions between sodium and plutonia, urania-plutonia and urania-plutonia containing fission product simulants
4. The reactions of sodium with urania, plutonia and their solid solutions
5. Behavior and Chemical state of Irradiated ceramic fuels, Panel Proceedings series;Blackburn,1974