1. J.E. Mendel, W.A. Ross, F.P. Roberts, R.P. Turcotte, Y.B. Katayama, J.H. Westik, in: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Management of Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Vienna, vol. 2, 1976, p. 49.
2. R.P. Turcotte, F.P. Roberts, Phase behavior and radiation effects in high level waste glass, BNWL-SA-6168, 1977.
3. F.P. Roberts, Irradiation effects on borosilicate waste glasses, PNL-SA-8182, 1980.
4. N.E. Bibler, in: S.V. Topp (Ed.), Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, 1981, p. 681.
5. Dose rate effects in radiation damage to vitrified radioactive waste