1. A. Travelli, in: Proceedings of the International RERTR Meeting Program, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 5–11 October 1997. Available from: .
2. C. Toma, M. Ciocanescu, R. Dobrin, M. Parvan, in: Proceedings of the 1997 RERT Meeting, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 5–11 October 1997. Available from: .
3. F.C. Foushee, General Atomics Company Report, San Diego, CA, USA, E-117-834, June 1980.
4. M.M. Bretscher, J.L. Snelgrove, in: Proceedings XIV International Meeting on reduced enrichment for research and test reactors, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4–7 November 1991.
5. Safety Analysis Report of the TRIGA 14MW Steady State Reactor, February 1974, General Atomics Company Report, San Diego, CA, USA, EL-1173, vol. I, 1974.