1. IFMIF International Team, IFMIF Comprehensive Design Report, January 2004.
2. Advanced Monte Carlo procedure for the IFMIF d-Li neutron source term based on evaluated cross section data
3. Development of Methods for Calculation of Deuteron-Lithium and Neutron-Lithium Cross Sections for Energies up to 50 MeV
4. U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, U. von Möllendorff, P. Pereslavtsev, P. Bem, P.P.H. Wilson, AccApp’03 ANS Embedded Topical Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 1–5, 2003.
5. P. Bém, V. Burjan, M. Götz, U. Fischer, V. Kroha, U. v. Möllendorff, J. Novák, S. Simakov, E. Šimečková, D–Li reaction source term: experimental verification of neutron yield based on thick and thin Li-targets. Report NPI ASCR Řež EXP(EFDA)-05/2004.