1. R. Neu, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, et al., in: 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, November 1–6, 2004, Villamoura, Portugal.
2. R. Neu, R. Dux, A. Kallenbach, T. Eich, A. Herrmann, C. Maggi, H. Maier, H.W. Muller, R. Pugno, T. Putterich, I. Radivojovic, V. Rohde and ASDEX Upgrade Team, in: 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 28 June–2 July, 2004, London, United Kingdom.
3. Materials for the plasma-facing components of fusion reactors
4. High heat load properties of tungsten coated carbon materials
5. Behavior of plasma-sprayed tungsten coatings on CFC and graphite under high heat load