1. Lead–gold eutectic: An alternative liquid target material candidate for high power spallation neutron sources
2. K. Thomsen, K. Conder, Y. Dai, D. Kiselev, M. Medarde, R. Moormann, E. Platacis, E. Pomjakushina, S. Török, L. Zanini, P. Zimmermann, in: The 19th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-XIX), March 2010, Switzerland.
3. L. Zanini, F. Carinci, D. Kiselev, K. Thomsen, Neutronic and nuclear behavior of lead–gold eutectic as target material for ESS, in press.
4. K. Thomsen, E. Platacis, O. Lielausis, I. Bucenieks, A. Ziks, I. Romančuks, K. Kravalis, L. Buligins, R. Moormann, Experience with a first LGE loop and proposal for further investigations in flowing LGE, in press.
5. The proceedings of the 4th to 9th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology, published as special issues of Journal of Nuclear Materials, vols. 296, 318, 343, 356, 377 and 398.