1. Irradiation of liquid breeder material Pb17Li with in-situ tritium release measurements in the LIBRETTO 2 experiment
2. J.W. Gibbs, On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances, transactions of the Connecticut academy, III, pp. 108-248, October 1875–May 1876, and pp. 343–524, May 1877–July 1878, Reprinted in H.A. Bumstead, R.G. van Name (Eds.), The scientific papers of J. Willard Gibbs, Ph.D., Ll.D., vol. I, 1906, Thermodynamics, 55–353, Longmans, Green, and Co.
3. Keimbildungsgeschwindigkeit in übersättigten Dämpfen
4. Kinetische Behandlung der Keimbildung in übersättigten Dämpfen