1. P. N. Hawker, C. Jaffray, A. J. J. Wilkins, and J. Alker, “Metal Supported Automotive Catalysts for Use in Europe,'' Sae paper 880317, International Congress, Detroit, Michigan, March 1988.
2. P. Oser, “Novel Autocatalyst Concepts and Strategies for the Future with Emphasis on Metal Supports,'' Sae paper 880319, International Congress, Detroit, Michigan, March 1988.
3. K. Nishigawa, K. Matsuda, H. Horie, and J. Hirohashi, “Development of Improved Metal-Supported Catalyst,'' Sae paper 890188, International Congress, Detroit, Michigan, February-March 1989.
4. S. Pelters, F. Kaiser, and W. Maus, “The Development and Application of a Metal Supported Catalyst for Porsche's 911 Carrera 4,'' Sae paper 890488, International Congress, Detroit, Michigan, February-March 1989.
5. G. L. Vaneman, “Performance Comparisons of Automotive Catalytic Converters: Metal vs. Ceramic Substrates,'' Fisita paper 905115, Xxiii International Congress, Torino, Italy, May 1990.