
Bodrug-Lungu Valentina



Reference24 articles.

1. Anţı̂bor, L., & Rı̂jicova, S. (2003). Compatibilitatea maritalǎ – factor determinant al stabilitǎţii familiale (Marital compatibility – the determinant factor of family’ stability). Conferinţa corpului didactico- ştiinţific “Bilanţul activitǎţii ştiinţifice a Universitǎţii de Stat din Moldova ı̂n anii 2000–2002” (Paper presented at the Conference of Didactical Academia “The balance of scientific activity of The State University of Moldova from 2000–2002”) (P. II, pp. 317- 318). Chişinǎu: USM.

2. Annual Statistic Book of the Republic of Moldova (2000). Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova. Chişinǎu: DASS.

3. Bodrug, V. (1999). Determinarea viziunii prospective a tinerilor asupra relaţiilor gender ı̂n viitoarele familii (Determination of prospective visions of young peoples about gender relationships in the future’s families). Anale Ştiinţifice ale Universitǎţii de Stat din Moldova (Scientific Annals of the State University of Moldova), P. II, 103–107. Chişinǎu: USM.

4. Bodrug-Lungu, V. (2001). Rolul familiei ı̂n educaţia copiilor (The role of the family in child’s education). Revista Didactica Pro…(Journal Didactica Pro…), 4(8), 44–46. Chişinǎu: Cartier.

5. Bodrug-Lungu, V. (2003). Violenţa din perspectiva gender (Violence from gender perspective). Chişinǎu: USM.

Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Moldova, Families in;Encyclopedia of Family Studies;2016-03-21

2. Family Policies in Moldova;Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe;2013-05-07

3. The Impact of Migration on Children's Psychological and Academic Functioning in the Republic of Moldova;International Migration;2012-12-23

4. Transnational Experiences of Eastern European Women and Feminist Practices After 1989;Feminism and Migration;2012

5. Family therapy with Eastern European immigrants: recommendations for practice;International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care;2011-11-17








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