1. M.E. Inman, R.G. Kelly, S.A, Willard, R.S. Piascik, Coordinated metallographic, chemical and electrochemical analyses of fuselage lap splice corrosion, in: Proceedings of the FAA-NASA Symposium on the Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures, Atlanda, Georgia, 28–30 August 1996, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161, USA, 1997, pp. 129–146
2. Twentyfifth EACMT (European Airlines Committee for Materials Technology) General Meeting, Athens, Greece, 15–16 November 1995
3. FAA-NASA Symposium on the Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures, FAA Center of Excellence in Computational Modeling of Aircraft Structures, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 28–30 August 1996
4. AGARD Workshop, Fatigue in the Presence of Corrosion, RTO Meeting Proceedings 18, 5–9 October 1998, Corfu, Greece, 1999
5. BRITE/EURAM No 1053, Structural maintenance of aging aircraft (SMAAC), CEC Brussels, Final Report, CEC Brussels, 1999