1. Abadie, A., Gu, J., Shen, S., in this issue. Instrumental variable estimation with first-stage heterogeneity. J. Econom.
2. Ai, C., Sun, L.-H., Zhang, Z., Zhu, L., in this issue. Testing unconditional and conditional independence via mutual information. J. Econom.
3. Aït-Sahalia, Y., Li, C., Li, C. X., in this issue. Maximum likelihood estimation of latent Markov models using closed-form approximations. J. Econom.
4. Angrist, J., Kolesár, M., in this issue. One instrument to rule them all: The bias and coverage of just-ID IV. J. Econom.
5. Arellano, M., Blundell, R., Bonhomme, S., Light, J., in this issue. Heterogeneity of consumption responses to income shocks in the presence of nonlinear persistence. J. Econom.