1. G. Chaix, M. Matecki, A. Dollet, S. de Persis, Y.B. Wang, F. Teyssandier, The Electrochemical Society, in: M.D. Allendorf, T.M. Bessman, M.L. Hitchmann (Eds.), Numerical simulation of silicon carbide deposition in cold-wall CVD reactor, Proc. Int. Conf. CVD, Toronto, NJ, 15–19 May 2000, Pennington, 2000.
2. S. de Persis, M. Matecki, F. Teyssandier, A. Dollet, in preparation.
3. Modeling of the SiC chemical vapor deposition process and comparison with experimental results
4. Modeling of Aromatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation in Premixed Methane and Ethane Flames
5. Aromatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation in a Premixed Propane Flame