1. McKay v. Bergstedt, 801 P.2d 617 (Nev. 1990) at 625; Shapiro, “Larry McAfee, invisible man,” US News and World Report, Feb 19, 1990, at 60; Herr SS, Bostrom BA, Barton RS. No place to go: refusal of life-sustaining treatment by competent persons with physical disabilities. Issues Law Med. 1992;8(1):3-36; and Coleman D. Withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from people with severe disabilities who request it: Equal protection considerations. Issues Law Med. 1992;8(1):55-79.
2. See, e.g., Marilyn Golden, Why assisted suicide must not be legalized, http://dredf.org/assisted_suicide/assistedsuicide.html;
3. March 24, 1997, NationalCouncil on Disability, Assisted suicide: a disability perspective, http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/1997/suicide.htm; and National Spinal Cord Injury Association position on Assisted Suicide, http://www.spinalcord.org/news.php?dep=1andpage=0andlist=780.
4. Gallagher H. Disability rights activist advocates for aid-in-dying, http://www.thebody.com/content/legal/art16723.html;
5. P. Spiers 15th John K. Friesen Conference–Quality of life at the end of life: decisions and choices, http://www.sfu.ca/grc/friesen/2005/paul/; and Batavia AI. The ethics of PAS: morally relevant relationships between personal assistance services and physician-assisted suicide. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001;12(suppl 2):S25-S31.