Anatomical structure modeling from medical images


Archip Neculai,Rohling Robert,Dessenne Vincent,Erard Pierre-Jean,Nolte Lutz Peter


Elsevier BV


Health Informatics,Computer Science Applications,Software

Reference74 articles.

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1. Efficient Framework for Identifying, Locating, Detecting and Classifying MRI Brain Tumor in MRI Images;Journal of Medical Systems;2019-05-20

2. Methodologies for Development of Patient Specific Bone Models from Human Body CT Scans;Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C;2016-06-22

3. Supervised recursive segmentation of volumetric CT images for 3D reconstruction of lung and vessel tree;Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine;2015-12

4. Patient-specific anisotropic model of human trunk based on MR data;International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering;2015-06-09

5. The Parametric Model of the Human Mandible Coronoid Process Created by Method of Anatomical Features;Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine;2015







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