1. Rikards R, Abramovich H, Ozolinsh O, Auzinsh J, Ruchevskis S. Identification of realized material properties in stiffened composite shells. Compos Struct, in press.
2. Bisagni C, Cordisco P. Buckling and postbuckling tests of stiffened composite cylindrical shells. Compos Struct, in press.
3. Abramovich H, Pevsner P, Weller T, Pekker N, Ghilai G. Axial buckling of laminated composite stringer stiffened curved panels—Tests vs. FE predictions. Compos Struct, in press.
4. Klein H, Zimmermann R, Kling A. Buckling and postbuckling of stringer stiffened fibre composite curved panels—Tests and computations. Compos Struct, in press, doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2005.11.050.
5. Abramovich H, Pevsner P, Weller T, Bisagni C. The behavior of laminated composite stringer stiffened curved panels under torsion. Compos Struct, in press.