1. ASTM Standard D5379. Standard test method for shear properties of composite materials by the V-notched beam method. West Conshohocken (PA, USA): ASTM International; 2005.
2. ASTM Standard D4255. Test method for in-plane shear properties of polymer matrix composite materials by the rail shear method. West Conshohocken (PA, USA): ASTM International; 2007.
3. ASTM Standard D3518. Standard test method for in-plane shear response of polymer matrix composite materials by tensile test of a ±45° laminate. West Conshohocken (PA, USA): ASTM International; 2007.
4. ASTM Standard C273. Standard test method for shear properties of sandwich core materials. West Conshohocken (PA, USA): ASTM International; 2007.
5. ASTM Standard C393. Standard test method for core shear properties of sandwich constructions by beam flexure. West Conshohocken (PA, USA): ASTM International; 2006.