1. ACOE. 1975. Preliminary Feasibility Report, Vol. 1. Buffalo District, Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study. Buffalo.
2. ACOE. 1982. Sandusky River Watershed Management Study. Buffalo District, Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study. Buffalo.
3. ACOE. 1983. Summary Report of the Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study. Buffalo District, Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study. Buffalo.
4. Baker, D.B. 1984. Fluvial transport and processing of sediments and nutrients in large agricultural river basins. EPA Report 600/3–83–054. NTIS order number AD All 1894.ACOE.
5. Dickinson, W.T. 1982. Accuracy and precision of suspended sediment loads. In Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement. Proceedings of the Florence Symposium, June 1981. IAHS Publ. no. 133.