1. Beelen, P, and Bottos, M (1987). ‘Functionality as a guide line for early treatment of neuromotor lesions in infancy’. Paper given at the International Congress: ‘Neurological lesions in infancy: Early diagnosis and intervention’. Riva del Garda, September 30 to October 3. The VHS video-cassette ‘Functionality as a guide line for early treatment of neuromotor lesions in infancy’ may be obtained from the authors
2. ‘The neuro-developmental treatment’;Bobath,1984
3. Gaddini, R (1981). ‘Abuso e riabilitazione’. Paper given at conference: ‘Aspetti psicologici della riabilitazione’, Florence, November
4. Kong, E and Quinton, M (1987). ‘Early treatment of neuromotor lesions according to Bobath approach’. Paper given at the International Congress: ‘Neurological lesions in infancy: Early diagnosis and intervention’, Riva del Garda, September 30 to October 3. The VHS video-cassette: ‘Stiftung für das celebral gelamte Kind’ (English version) can be obtained from Film Institut, Schulfilmzentrale, Bern, Erlachstrasse 21, 3000 Bern 9, West Germany
5. ‘La riabilitazione del bambino handicappato nella medicina della salute’;Milani-Comparetti;Prospettive in Pediatria,1982