1. Studies on the Silk-Palladium Catalyst. I Preparation and Stability
2. N. D. Parkyns, in W. M. H. Sachtler, G. C. A. Schuit and P. Zweitering (Eds.), Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. Catal., Amsterdam, July 20–25, 1964, Amsterdam, 1965, v. 2, pp. 914–925. A study by infra-red spectroscopy of intermediates in the alumina catalyzed oxidation of nickel carbonyl.
3. The use of supported solutions of rhodium trichloride for homogeneous catalysis
4. Hydrolysis with silver resins: enhancement of hydrolysis rates of olefin esters by sulphonic acid resins containing silver ion
5. Nylon-Platinum Catalysts with Unusual Geometric and Selective Characteristics