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2. Cedergren, H.R., 1989. Seepage, drainage, and flow nets. John Wiley, New York, 465 pp.
3. Creighton, A., 1988. Cocos (Keeling) Island water resources and management study: Volume 4, Geophysical report. Department of Administrative Services, Canberra, 15 pp.
4. Falkland, A.C., 1988. Cocos (Keeling) Islands water resources and management study: Volume 1, General report. Department of Administrative Services, Canberra, 211 pp.
5. Falkland, A.C., 1994a. Management of freshwater lenses on small coral islands. Water Down Under 94 Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 21–25 November 1994, Volume 1, pp. 417–422.