1. HIPEROAD Home page: http://www.genias.de/projects/hiperoad/.
2. G. Buresti, D. Lombardo, Prediction of pressure loads on ‘streamlined’ bluff bodies through potential flow solvers, Proc. XIV AIDAA National Congress, Naples, October 1997, Vol. I, pp. 63-72.
3. J.J. Dongarra, R.C. Whaley, A User’s Guide to the BLACS v1.1 Lapack Working Note 94, Technical Report, University of Tennessee, 1997.
4. L.S. Blackford et al., ScaLAPACK Users’ Guide, ISBN 0-89871-397-8, SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688.
5. MPI Home page, http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/.