1. B.W. Lampson, Protection, Proc. 5th Princeton Symp. on Information Sciences and Systems, March 1971, pp. 437–443.
2. A.S. Grimshaw, W.A. Wulf, J.C. French, A.C. Weaver, P.F. Reynolds Jr., Legion: The Next Logical Step Toward a Nationwide Virtual Computer, UVA CS Technical Report CS-94-21, 8 June 1994.
3. W.A. Wulf, R. Levin, S.P. Harbison, HYDRA/C.mmp: An Experimental Computer System, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.
4. B. Fairthorne, OMG White Paper on Security, Object Service Task Force Security Working Group, Technical Report 94-04-16, Object Managment Group (http://www.omg.org).
5. B. Schneier, Applied Cryptography, Wiley, New York, 1994.