1. Agent Platform developed at Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences: www.ipipan.waw.pl/mas/
2. S. Ambroszkiewicz, O. Matyja, and W. Penczek. Team Formation by Self-Interested Mobile Agents. In Chengqi Zhang and Dickson Lukose (Eds.), Proc. 4-th Australian DAI- Workshop, Brisbane, Australia, July 13,1998. Published in Springer LNAI 1544.http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/mas/
3. Virtual Organizations research project sponsered by the Institute of Information Systems, Department of Information Management at the University of Berne. www.virtualorganization.net/
4. M. E. Bratman. Intentions, Plans, and PracticalReason
5. From Task Delegation to Role Delegation;Castelfranchi;In Proc. AI*IA-97, LNAI 1321,1987